Lets start it off by showing one of our great meetings at the American Legion Hall in Corona, Ca. Average attendance is between 30 and 40 members and visitors. Stop in and give us a visit!
and looking the other way at the same meeting
Here's one of the best SBMS pictures ever taken!
recognize any of them?
Here's Paul, KH6HME in one of his plain ole Hawaiian shirts and the 2304 feed on his 4 foot dish. Paul has feeds for this dish on 2.3, 3.4, 5.7 & 10.3 GHz. Hopefully we will make it this year on 10.368 GHz. Look for Paul or his CW beacon on 144.170 USB most summers from May thru September. Paul has been a SBMS member since 1955!
N6XQ built and delivered a microwave calibrator to Paul on 5.3.97. Paul can now trust frequency calibration on all bands up to 10 GHz to better than 100 Hertz!
The 10368.350 MHz beacon is running, pointed at San Diego at this time......
Paul in the "shack" atop the Mauna Loa site at 8200 feet with all of the gear, all bands, hf thru 10 GHz.
go to the KH6HME homepage (soon) for more pictures and information about Pauls Mauna Loa QTH, equipment & beacons.
WA6EXV, Chuck has been a pioneer and an inspiration to many amateurs over the past several decades and on July 5. 1997 he was part of the new North American 24 GHz distance record of 166 miles! He also has 39 grids on 10 GHz.....whew....lots of work.
Mystery microwave person........Dave K6OW set a new North American 24 GHz distance record on July 5, 1997 with Chuck WA6EXV, 166 miles..... pictures and info forthcoming.....& (!) he single-handedly won the 1996 10 GHz & UP microwave contest inspite of the extra attenuation of his long hair.....I will try and get a better picture so when you see him in public you will be better able to recognize him and get his autograph!
NJ6J travels quite a bit with his microwave gear and has been very active lately on 2304 & 10 GHz.
Frank, WB6CWN, measuring a new distance record (the hard way) on his four foot dish. Frank was one of the first to work the North to South path from San Francisco to Los Angeles. He presently holds the Northern end of the North American 10 GHz distance record.
and wishing he had a tower like this one........
XE2N6CA at DL29, down in Mexico along the coast, about 300 miles South of the border. With XE2N6XQ, all bands 50 thru 10 GHz. N6CA presently holds world distance records on 2.3, 3.4 & 5.7 GHz with KH6HME at a distance of 2473 miles.
it's finally here....the official N6CA homepage!.....bout time......
Jack, XE2N6XQ has been down into Mexico on dozens of occasions with all bands fron 50 MHz thru 10 GHz. He holds the world distance records on 222, 432, 902 & 1296 MHz (over 2500 miles) at this time with contacts to Paul, KH6HME. We'll get more pictures here of Jack on his Mexico trips in the near future. Jack also holds the Southern end of the North American 10 GHz distance record ( 698 miles).
other N6XQ pictures from Mexico
WB6DNX at DM14KF, Heaps Peak during the 1996 microwave contest. Dick made many 10 & 24 GHx contacts during the 1996 microwave contest . Heaps Peak is the site of the SBMS 2304 beacon which has been continuously operational since 1977. Possibly the oldest microwave beacon in North America!
K6LJM (ex KF6YM) at Heaps Peak. Al is one of the very active Microwave Amateur Television guys in Southern California. Look for him on 2.4, 3.4, 5.7 & 10.3 GHz FM TV most evenings. See Al's homepage at http://www.local.net/~k6ljm/
N6XQ, WB6DTA & W6SYA at one of the SBMS meetings. WB6DTA, Ken, always operates from out in the desert at DM22 on most of the bands. Bob, W6SYA is actively building on 10 & 24 GHz.
Bob, W6SYA (right) finally broke that "tough" 3 mile barrier on 10 GHz by working 166 miles!
Here's a candid shot of Bob really trying to set a new xband record.......You gotta see this one!
On Frazier during the 2000 contest on 24 wide band and 10ghz narrow band.
K6ODV, active on many VHF bands, 1296 & getting on 5.7 & 10 GHz in near future
W6OYJ, Ed (left) one of the early members of the SBMS is still very active on most of the bands chatting with K6OW Dave about something which is obviously very important! Notice how much younger Dave looks in this very old picture.
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