President Dick Bremer WB6DNX 1664 Holley St Brea CA 92621, 714-529-2800,
VP Chris Shoaff N9RIN 2911 Calle Heraldo San Clemente CA 92673, 949-388-3121,
Recording Sec Mel Swanberg, WA6JBD 231 E Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92508, 909-369-6515,
Corresponding Sec Kurt Geitner, K6RRA1077 E Pacific Coast Hwy #142 Seal Beach, CA 90740, 310-718-4910,
Treasurer Dick Kolbly, K6HIJ 26335 Community Barstow, CA 92311, 760-253-2477,
Editor Bill Burns, WA6QYR 247 Rebel Rd Ridgecrest, CA 93555, 760-375-8566,
Webmaster Chip Angle, N6CA 25309 Andreo Lomita, CA 90717, 310-539-5395,
ARRL Interface Frank Kelly, WB6CWN 1111 Rancho Conejo Blvd. #501 Newbury Park, CA 91320, 805-499-8047,
W6IFE License Trustee Ed Munn, W6OYJ 6255 Radcliffe Dr. San Diego, CA 92122, 858-453-4563,
At the 3 June 2004 meeting of the SBMS, Bill, WA6QY; Dick, WB6DNX; and John, will give a 10-15 minute talk on their 10 GHz rig using it as a visual aid. They will try to do a module-by-module description but nothing elaborate. Explaining why particular modules were chosen, where they were obtained, about how much they cost, good and bad results, etc. This could help others to avoid mistakes and give somebody an idea for an add on or improvement to their rig. The SBMS meets at the American Legion Hall 1024 Main Street (south of the 91 freeway) in Corona, CA at 1900 hours local time on the first Thursday of each month. Check out the SBMS web site at
SBMS meeting parking- We have become a great number of members at meetings. We park next to the church in the adjacent lot or on the street and or in the lot across the street. Across the street the sign on the building shows: 1025 Main Street. MAIN STREET BISTRO. The sign on the parking lot says: CLIN CHIROPRACTIC CARE Dick, WB6DNX
A reminder that the third Saturday of each month is Microwave Activity Day starting after the Pomona/ Cal Poly Swap meet through mid afternoon.
Last meeting_ On the Topic of "The Project" for Owens Valley Radio Observatory, The Bishop Amateur Radio Club wants to help in logistics. Dick, K6HIJ will be building the antennas for 432, 129 and 10 GHz. Dennis, WA6NIA is to work the schedules. Doug is the project headman. Chuck, WA6EXV is building the other hardware. The SBMS proposal has been received as OK so far. Now legal people are looking into the project.
Get your logbooks for the 2 GHz and Up contest to Larry KG6GE for SBMS members. SBMS members please send your 2004 "2 GHz and up" contest logs and scores to: KG6EG at,"TEXT" or "MS WORD" format ONLY please! Or, snail mail to:
Larry Frakes
5611 Middlecoff Dr.
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
I will total them up and pass the total club score on to Pat N6RMJ 73, Larry KG6EG
It was discussed on having a "noise source cal" checking party at one meeting in the future. Dave, WA6CGR will lead that effort. Mel WA6JBD indicated he would bring equipment to measure attenuators at the same session. July 10 was tentatively set for a measurement party for 10 GHz rigs like years in the past, but need to check to see if Kerry can do it and Dick, WB6DNX would look into a location.
12-14 June ARRL June VHF QSO Party
26-27 June ARRL Field Day
1 July SBMS meeting Chip, Mel and Wayne presenting on their 10 GHz rig construction. Squeeze in the noise measurements if possible.
5 August. Planning for the up coming contest.
7-8 August ARRL UHF Contest
21-22 August ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest
11-12 September ARRL September VHF QSO Party
18-19 September ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest
14-16 October 2004 Microwave Update in Texas
"Wants and Gots for sale"
2 Rack Cabinets Free for pick up - call to make arrangement. Both about 6 ft high and accept 19" panels. See photo at the bottom of Tom O'Hara, Arcadia 626-447-4565
Want 24 GHz PA/waveguide switch Bob, WA6UNS 310-534-8851.
Want 24 GHz Waveguide switch and 10 GHZ 1-3 watt amp Mike W6YLZ 818-349-8525
Want 10 GHz 1-4 watt RF transistors Chris N9RIN 949-388-3121
For Free- two 4 ft dishes and two 6 ft dishes. Up pick up at Chuck WA6EXV 760-377-4972. Chuck will hold them for one more month then they go to the dump.
For Sale- 2 meter high power amplifier. This time I'll arrange for shipping. It is a Henry 3002 and has never been on the air. The amp and tube have only been tested, but not put on the air. It uses a
3CX1200Z7- basically a brute of a tube in a W6PO type circuit. The amplifier is a pedestal type with the amplifier box mounted in a rack mount frame. The frame can be taken off and the amplifier reinstalled on the pedestal. (This modification was done at the factory.) The umbilical is about 5 feet long. No antenna relays came with it. It is operational and ready to go. I am selling it because I got another amplifier that is more matched to what I have. At buyer's expense I will have it packed and shipped. $2000 plus packing and shipping. Doug K6JEYLong Beach, Ca. 90806. 562.81. 3989 cell 562.424.3737 home
For Sale HP432A Power Meter with cable and 10 GHz n head $100; medium duty tri pod w/head $50,
HP5245L Counter w/ manual, 5253B 50-500 MHz Plug-in, 5254A .3-3 GHz Plug-in, 5254B .2-3 GHz Plug-in, 5255A 3-12.4 GHz Plug-in $100 Kurt K6RRA 310-718-4910
Activity reported at the May SBMS meeting were: Dick, WB6DNX had some 10 GHz contacts in the 2 GHz and UP contest; Mel, WA6JBD fussed with some 10 GHz LNA's; Frank, WB6CWN has some 50 contacts on 10 GHz with DSP-10 contacts from Palos Verdes on the beach to Chuck WA6EXV on the Desert; Chuck, WA6EXV reported 10 GHZ contacts with the 10 ft dish DSP-10 to Frank WB6 CWN at various points along the beach areas and 2 GHz contacts with Bill WA6QYR roving; Bill, WA6QYR roved with 2 GHz and a 45 loop yagi and 4 w, purchased a used FT-817nd; Ho2ward, WA6YGB did some more 1296 amplifier work; Ken, W6DTAworked some 1296 MHz; Jerry, N7EMEdid some DRO work on his new product at 10. 224 GHz; Doug, K6JEY worked some 1296 MHz with a dual 2C39 amp, and had 14 QSO's in the contest; Dennis, WA6NIA did some 2mtr EME and fishing; Marv, W6DSL made a meeting after MANY years of absence; Peter, K6PTL did some work on his 10 GHz rig; David KI6FF did some work on his 10 GHz rig; Bob, WA6VHS did some work on his 10 GHz rig and worked the contest; Wayne, KH6WZ has 12 contacts in the contest; Larry, KG6EG had 43 contacts in the contest; Dave, WA6CGR had 1385 points using an omni antenna on 10 GHz; Dick, K6HIJindicated that HP has released a windows version of Ap Cad on the educators corner and he has been building WR-42 flanges on his mill, the waveguide wr-42 switch now has better than 50 db of isolation; Glenn, KE6HPZ had problems during the contest; Gary, K6KVC did the Baker to Las Vegas 2 GHZ ATV; Larry, K6HLH did the 2 GHz up contest; Pat N6RMJ did the 2GHz contest; Chris, N9RIN did the contest on 10 GHz.
2005 Microwave Update Planning
On the Microwave Update 2005 Pat N6RMJ is the leader and Dick, K6HIJ is the registration person. Initially they are looking at the Sheridan in Cerritos, CA for the site. The operation needs a list of surplus electronic hardware places to visit on Thursday tour. The list needs to include where the store is located and hours of operation and what types of materials are available. Bill, WA6QYR is collecting the list of stores. Judy, KC6UTF has volunteered for the XYL/ Spouse tours. .
Where is the info on your favorite surplus or shopping spot for electronic goodies? You haven't forwarded that to yet.
Space for your project or news
73's Bill
Doug, K6JEY was showing off his rebuilt 10 GHz rig that used a MACOM white box dish, a previous transverter and now an FT-817 IF radio.
The San Bernardino Microwave Society is a technical amateur radio club affiliated with the ARRL having a membership of over 90 amateurs from Hawaii and Alaska to the east coast and beyond. Dues are $15 per year, which includes a badge and monthly newsletter. Your mail label indicates your call followed by when your dues are due. Dues can be sent to the treasurer as listed under the banner on the front page. If you have material you would like in the newsletter please send it to Bill WA6QYR at 247 Rebel Road Ridgecrest, CA 93555,, or phone 760-375-8566. The newsletter is generated about the 15th of the month and put into the mail at least the week prior to the meeting. This is your newsletter. SBMS Newsletter material can be copied as long as SBMS is identified as source.
San Bernardino Microwave Society newsletter
247 Rebel Road
Ridgecrest, CA