President: Doug Millar, K6JEY 2791 Cedar Ave Long Beach, CA 90806 562-424-3737
Vice President: Dick Bremer, WB6DNX 1664 Holly St. Brea, CA 92621 714-529-2800
Recording Sec:Mel Swanberg, WA6JBD 231 E Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92508 909-369-6515
Corresponding Sec: Kurt Geitner, K6RRA 213 Main St. #5 Seal Beach, CA 90740 310-718-4910
Treasurer: Dick Kolbly, K6HIJ 26335 Community Barstow, CA 92311 760-253-2477
Editor: Bill Burns, WA6QYR 247 Rebel Rd Ridgecrest, CA 93555 760-375-8566
Webmaster Chip Angle, N6CA
ARRL Interface Frank Kelly, WB6CWN 1111 Rancho Conejo Blvd. #501 Newbury Park, CA 91320
FCC Interface Dave Laag, K6OW 11614 Indian St. Moreno Valley, CA 92557 909-924-1517
W6IFE License Trustee Ed Munn, W6OYJ 6255 Radcliffe Dr. San Diego, CA 92122 619-453-4563
At the 7 March 2002 meeting of the SBMS Dave, WA6CGR will talk about Noise Figure, a review of techniques with testing available through 24 GHz. Others will report on 3.4 GHz projects. There will be 2002-2003 SBMS Officer Nominations opened to the floor. The SBMS meets at the American Legion Hall 1024 Main Street (south of the 91 freeway) in Corona, CA at 1900 hours local time on the first Thursday of each month. Check out the SBMS web site at
SBMS BANQUET Report- This year's annual SBMS dinner was at the Steer Grill in Norco thanks to Doug's planning. The food was great and quick. We had door prizes and white elephant exchange for everyone. Dave, WA6CGR received an SBMS Senior Membership Certificate for all his help in promoting microwave activity over the years. Present were Dave, WA6CGR; Gary, W6KVC; Jeff, KN6VR; Bill, WA6QYR and wife, KC6UTF; Larry, K6HLH and wife; Chris, N9RIN and wife; Kurt, K6RRA; Doug, K6JEY and wife N0CAL; Glenn, KE6HPZ; Dennis, WA6NIA; Chip, N6CA and wife, N6SNA; Dick, WB6DNX and wife. It was a fun event for everyone. Thanks to all who helped.
Last meeting- Dave, WA6CGR and Sam, K6VLM did a good job handling questions and describing next steps in the modification of the P-com 24 GHz landmines. Dave had the last of his collection to sell. Dave proceeded to test the P-coms for those who had brought them in. He measured the LO power and frequency so the folks could know which they had to modify. Sam covered some of the hardware modifications and how to go about them. See other parts of this newsletter for Sam's data. Dave will be updating the web site with more information and pictures. Rick, W6EES of Placentia was our visitor. Welcome. Dave indicated that the site to find the 12v in and 24v out power supplies for $10 was at The membership voted to spend Society funds to get 100 pc boards built for the 24 GHz project LO mods and the 3 GHz down converter. Chris, N9RIN will work the down converter boards and Chuck, WA6EXV will do the LO mod. The March QST reported that a super number of the Society members partipated and reported scores. Some 30 % more participants this year. 19 people present at the meeting.
2002 Scheduling.
4 April- Frequency measurement techniques for beginners. Counter with rubidium source will be available. Bring things to measure. 2002-2003 SBMS Officer elections.
April-May, dates TBA, Spring Sprints (activity days)
April 22, 1030Z - Lyrids meteor shower
2 May- Dish and Feed basics for beginners. Types of feeds, dishes and mounts. Bring in an example and your projects to share.
4 June- 10 and 24 GHz project evaluation. Bring your equipment and get it evaluated. Power, Frequency, spectrum analysis.
June 8-10, 1800Z - 0300Z - ARRL June VHF QSO Party (activity days)
Wants and Gots for sale
Wanted- WR-42 H plane 90 degree bend and WR-42 flanges John KJ6HZ 909-683-1434
Wanted &endash; WR-90 to SMA adapter and SMA t/r relay Richard WW7D 949-855-4689
Activity reported at the February meeting- Dick, WB6DNX has been working on his 24 GHz rig; Ed, W6OYJ reported four 1296 MHz contacts during the contest; Kerry, N6IZW talked about the 24 GHz marker he built out of one of the Qualcomm synthesizer/ gold boards, showed his version of the landmine 24 GHz rig, indicated that the Qualcomm noise source puts out power at 24 GHz, has an optical filter that allows the laser communicator to operate in the day light, and donated some ERA3's to the 24 GHz kits; Mel, WA6JBD had 3 10 GHz contacts and modified one of the microwave bricks to accept signals from a synthesizer; Chip, N6CA had built some 25 w 10 GHz rigs for operation on the mainland and by Paul KH6HME; John, N6AX had 5 10 GHz contacts and is working on a 24 GHz rig; Rick, W6ESS is working on a 10 GHz qualcomm unit; Dave, WA6CGR had 2 10 GHz contacts and worked on the 24 GHz demo; Miguel, W6LYZ is collecting parts and helping others on rigs; John, KJ6HZ had 70 Q's from 2 mtr to 10 GHz and is reworking his 10 GHz rig to low side LO; Chris, N6RIN had 6 mtr and 70 cm contacts; Richard, WW7D still collecting parts; Ed, K6ODV had 1.2 GHz contacts; Ken, WB6DTA is rebuilding his .34 GHz rig and built 4 synthesizers for the 24 GHz rig; Glenn, KE6HPZ had 2 10 GHz contacts and a number of other bands and is working on his 3.4 GHz rig; Larry, K6HLH rebuilt his 1.2 GHz rig and helped a friend on a 2.4 GHz rig; Sam, K6VLM reported on his 24 GHz work; Chuck, WA6EXV worked on the 1.2 to 2.4 transverter progress with the controller; Bill, WA6QYR reported contact through the 1.2-2.4 transverter and work on his 3.4 GHz rig.
Dave, WA6CGR checks out one of the P-comm 23 GHz modules for LO operation and power output at the February SBMS meeting. Appling &endash;48 v dc to the N connector turns the unit on enough to evaluate if it is OK before starting to modify circuits. standing around Dave are (L-R) Dick, WB6DNX, Bill, WA6QYR; Ed W6OYJ (hidden) and John KJ6HZ. In the right side is Ed, K6ODV. Thanks Dave for your help. Photo by Kurt K6RRA.
The Annual SBMS Dinner in Norco was the site of lots of fun. Here Dick, WB6DNX and his wife Alicia were the happy pair at the dinner. Photo by Kurt, K6RRA.
The San Bernardino Microwave Society is a technical amateur radio club affiliated with the ARRL having a membership of over 90 amateurs from Hawaii and Alaska to the east coast. Dues are $15 per year, which includes a badge and monthly newsletter. Your mail label indicates your call followed by when your dues are due. Dues can be sent to the treasurer as listed under the banner on the front page. If you have material you would like in the newsletter please send it to Bill WA6QYR at 247 Rebel Road Ridgecrest, CA 93555,, or phone 760-375-8566. The newsletter is generated about the 15th of the month and put into the mail at least the week prior to the meeting. This is your newsletter. SBMS Newsletter material can be copied as long as SBMS is identified as source.
San Bernardino Microwave Society newsletter
247 Rebel Road
Ridgecrest, CA