W6IFE San Bernadino Microwave Society NewsLetter

President Frank Kelly WB6CWN 12653 Hubbard Sylmar CA 91342

818-362-5432 eventeinc@aol.comVP Dick Bremer WB6DNX 1664 Holly Brea CA

92621 714-529-2800 rabremer@pacbell.comRecording Sec Dick Kolbly K6HIJ 26335

Community Barstow CA 92311 619-253-2477 70541.2312@compuserve.com Correspond

Sec Larry Johnston K6HLH 16611 E Valeport Lancaster CA 93535 805-264-4110

ljohns@qnet.com Treasurer George Tillitson K6MBL PO Box 974 Wrightwood CA

92397 619-249-6622 Editor Bill Burns WA6QYR 247 Rebel Rd Ridgecrest, CA

93555 619-375-8566 bburns@ridgecrest.ca.us

The 2 Jan 1997 meeting will have Frank, WB6CWN talk about maps for microwave field activites. SBMS meets at the American Legion Hall 1024 Main Street Corona CA at 1930 hours local time. Hope you had happy holidays in 1996 and the begining of 1997.

Last meeting Chuck, WA6EXV and Bill, WA6QYR talked about what they have learned about getting on 24 Ghz with the 18 inch offset DSS antenna and gunnplexers. A number of questions were answered and there were 3 stations which had contacts at the close of the meeting, W6OYJ, K6HLH, and WA6QYR. Thanks guys. During the November SBMS 24 Ghz event K6OW won 1st place followed by N6CA in 2nd. The Qualcomm hardware brought to SBMS during the November meeting by Kerry N6IZW has been looked at and compared to the documentation, but little matches. Email to Kerry has learned that some of the boards still need to be documented for ham work. The boards Dick, WB6DNX has maybe usefull. The more available boards are what can be ordered from Kerry for the 10 Ghz rig as noted in the list in last months newsletter. The box of tubes maybe useful if you have an HP608 or similar signal generator. Let Bill, WA6QYR know your needs or sometime during the holiday Bill may get time to make a list of tubes in the box for publication in the next newsletter. Some of the one of a kind stuff will be at the January meeting for pick up by members- you can figure out what it is and how to use it. 27 people present.

Scheduling 18-20 Jan ARRL Jan VHF contest 6 Feb. 97 WA6OWD circulator operation .

8 Feb. ? Annual Dinner - John WA6BFH chairman. 6 Mar. Dick,

K6HIJ "Tubes to Semiconductors in Microwave" 19 Apr. 24 Ghz noon time SBMS

event 15 Mar. "Straight Key" Home-to-Home QSO Microwave event & SSB / FM too.

10 May 1296 & 2304 Mhz ARRL Spring Sprints 14-16 Jun.


Party 28-29 Jun. ARRL Field Day 2-3 Aug.

ARRL UHF contest 16-17 Aug.

ARRL 10 GHz & up contest 1st half 12-14 Sept. 1997

ARRL SW Div. Convention in Riverside, CA. 13-15 Sept

ARRL Sept. VHF QSO Party 20-21 Sept. ARRL 10 Ghz & Up contest 2nd half



From: tomw@aai.com (Tom Williams)

SOME EMAIL ADDRESSES OF SOME HAMS INTERESTED IN MICROWAVES revised november 30, 96 kept by WA1MBA NEWS from www.wa1mba.org My service provider now tells me that around December 18th I will be able to set up the awaited MICROWAVE REFLECTORS which will have these email addresses segmented so that you can simply mail things to geographical groups. When this happens, you will all get another message from me telling you how to use them, change your entry, download, etc. Sorry for the delay!


aa1a = Dave = daveaa1a@pcix.com

n1baq = Bob = bobe@ids.net

n1bwt = Paul wade H & = wade@tiac.net

n1bwt = Paul wade W = wade@netcad.enet.dec.com

n1ekv = Byron Blanchard = ratio@tiac.com

wb2elb= Ev Tupis = evman@ix.netcom.com

n1dpm = Fred = freddpm@aol.com

wb1fkf= Don Twombly = wb1fkf@usa1.com

k1fwf = J Allen H & = jallen@vhfcom.com

k1fwf = J Allen W = jallen%pvision@mcimail.com

wa1mba= Tom Williams W &= tomw@aai.com

wa1mba= Tom Williams H = tomw@wa1mba.org

n2mss = Hank Lopez = hlopez@delphi.com

n1qve = Harry = harry@connix.com

wa1raj = Carl Walker = cwalker@icmp.com

wa1tfh = John Swiniarski= swiniarj@macom.com

k1tr = Ed Parsons = esparsons@lucent.com

w2ttm = Ed = odyseus@delphi.com

wz1v = Ron Klimas = wz1v@connix.com

kb1vc = Matt Reilly = reilly@rock.enet.dec.com

n2ah = Art Harris = aharris@suffolk.lib.ny.us

wa2aqq= Bob S. = roberts@liii.com

wb2dvk= Ron Katz = rmkatz@suffolk.lib.ny.us

wb2glw= Mike Kulyk = mkulyk@ix.netcom.com

nj2l = Rus Healy = nj2l-2@mdsroc.com

n2liv = Bruce Wood = bwood@wnis.com

kb2ovi= Michael Ricci = morse@amanda.dorsai.org

k2riw = Dick Knadle = rknadle@ail.com

wa2say= Doug McGarrett = dougmack@spacelab.net

k2txb = Russ Pillsbury = russk2@cyberenet.net

k2uyh = Al Katz = a.katz@ieee.org

wa2zzx = Bob = bob@waterw.com

wa3axv = Ron = rwhitsel@aol.com

n3ahf = David McGee = david_mcgee@maca.sarnoff.com

w3ep = Emil Pocock = w3ep@arrl.org

ww2r = Dave Robinson = g4fre@amsat.org

wd4mbk = Charles Osborne= cosborne@usa.pipeline.com

aa4tj = Bill Lakatosh = wlakatos@NRAO.edu

kd5ro = Dave Haliday = dhallidy@mdsroc.com

kh6cp = Zach Lau = zlau@arrl.org


Northeast www site URLs




k1ct = Bill Calderwood* = n23@cnsp-emh.san.mrms.navy.mil

ke6alm = Matt = ke6alm@loop.com

w6asL = Jim Von Striver = jimw6asl@aol.com

n6ca = Chip Angle = chip@anglelinear.com

wa6cgr = Dave Glawson = dave@clubnet.net

wb6cwn = Frank Kelly = eventeinc@aol.com

wb6dnx = Dick Bremer = rabremer@pacbell.com

w6dxj = Pete Bauer * = bauer_pw@nosc.mil

wb0gaz = Dave F. = dfg@netcom.com

n6gn = Elmore,Glenn = glenne@sr.hp.com

wb6igp = Chuck Houghton*= CLHOUGH@aol.com

k6hij = Dick Kolbly = 70541.2312@compuserve.com

n6izw = Kerry Banke = kbanke@qualcomm.com

ae6l = frank Adams * = fadams@nosc.mil

kd6li = Brian Yee = byee@engr.sgi.com

wa6mem = Gary Lopes = glopes@pacbell.net

ne6o = Jim Cooper * = cooperjim@aol.com

w6oyj = Ed Munn * = 75353.1255@compuserve.com

kd6pbh = J Goldberg (H)*= kd6pbh@amsat.org

kd6pbh = J Goldberg (W)*= jsg@nosc.mil

kc6qhp = Tony Long * = allong@ucsd.edu

wa6qyr = Bill Burns = bburns@ridgecrest.ca.us

kk6tg = Erickson,Bruce = brucee@sr.hp.com

n6tyf = Mike McGinnis * = mcginni@nosc.mil

wb6wyr = Dennis Dauben *= dennis_dauben@cpqm.saic.com

n6xq = Jack Henry * = n6xq@clubnet.net

kf6yb = Oscar Quintanilla *= oquint@cts.com

wb6zif = Gary Goldbaum = wb6zif@deltanet.com

w6/pa0zn = Rein Smit = rein0zn@ix.netcom.com

wb7abp = Rhymes Lynne = lynnr@sr.hp.com

n7ccb = Kirk = bailey@oneworld.com

wa7shi = Gary = go@ao.com

** bad address w7pua = Bob = boblark@aol.com

* San Diego Area X-bander


www site URLs West Coast Try this one:


www site URLs from other places

SEE www.wa1mba.org


Non US calls

g4knz = Steve Davies = steve.davies@nmp.nokia.com

zl3xv = Ron Parry = ron@clear.net.nz


KEY to addresses:

If there are 2 addresses (Home = H, Work = W) the PREFERRED ADDRESS is noted with an "&" and/or given first. Approximate order is Call District, Suffix. IF THERE ARE ANY ERRORS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE. IF you are on this list and are NOT interested in MICROWAVES, please let me know so that I can remove your name from the list. IF you want me to remove your non-preferred address, let me know. This is YOUR list, I am just maintaining it. Thanks for your help. Tom Williams (no frequency high enough) tomw@aai.com WA1MBA

The 50 MHz and up group" is now simplified. We have a Web Page http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/n_ca_uw1.html .73...jim, W6ASL

Subject: Elliptical Waveguide EW63 - Info wanted Wally Green VK6WG seeks information about this waveguide - in particular he is looking at using it on 5.7 Ghz. Replies to me and I will pass them on. Thanks Wal VK6KZ howse@cleo.murdoch.edu.au (Walter Howse)

ARRL Official Bulletins can be e-mailed to you automatically. Send a message to: w1aw@arrl.org and you'll soon see ARRL bulletins in your mailbox. Frank WB6CWN

N1IST (n1ist@netcom.com) also maintains several amateur-related lists. Send a message addressed to:"majordomo@majordomo.netcom.com" with the text: "subscribe arrl-list" in the body to subscribe to the ARRL bulletin distribution. He also handles a ham technical issues list (ham-tech) and a t-hunt list (fox-hunt). You can also use 'info' and 'lists' commands. 7 3 de KE6ALM Matt ke6alm@loop.com

Subject: Slot antenna programA few of you have reported some problems using the Mathcad program for designing waveguide slot antennas. I found a couple of typo's and ran it OK using my version 3.1 of Mathcad. There is now a link on the web page for some examples using a 16-slot, 10 db design for various ham bands. For those of you who tried the program and had difficulties, sorry for the inconvenience. The URL for the article is in: http://reality.sgi.com/employees/byee_engr/slot_ant.html 73, Brian KD6LI E-mail: byee@sgi.com

Subject: FEI MicrowaveDoes anybody have a catalog of the FEI Microwave beam lead devices? I am looking for any kind of information on devices with the following nomenclature: F42CD-N11, F60C3-C03, F16NB-N110, F14NB-10, F6002-C02, F60B5-C05, ...SIGH...F32BD-N11, F60A4-C04, F32AD-N11, F06NB-N10, F60C2-C02, F42DD-N11. Thanks, Brian W6BY (ex KD6LI) E-mail: byee@sgi.comSubject: New Map---While visiting a local bookstore I discovered that DeLorme now has a Nevada Atlas and Gazetteer out, joining the previously available California and Arizona series. The new $16.95 (list price) Nevada book contains 55 quadrangular maps covering the entire state in 45 min. x 47.25 min. increments. Each map also shows WGS84 1 degree tick marks for use with GPS positional data. The map art is superb, perhaps the best yet. Frank Kelly WB6CWN

73's Bill


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