The 4 April 1996 meeting of the SBMS will be a
tune up part for 10 Ghz WBFM rigs. April is also SBMS Officer
ELECTION month, so be there to cast your vote. SBMS meets at the
American Legion Hall 1024 Main Street Corona, CA at 1930 local
Last Meeting had Chuck, WA6EXV talking about the
Smith Chart using a computer with the Puff design software and an
early version of Touchstone software. Thanks Chuck. Dave, WA6OWD was
presented the SBMS sponsored ARRL plaque for top score in the ARRL 10
Ghz Contest in 1995. The investigation into insurance for the Society
found it to be over the amount we have in the treasury during the
year. Dave, WA6OWD has taken Society insurance on as a task for the
coming year. It was proposed that the July 4th meeting be delayed /
replaced with a picnic in a park on maybe 6 July-- this event needs a
leader! Chip, N6CA will write a letter on the behalf of the Society
to the ARRL Contest committee addressing use of commercial equipment
/ stations, changes/ clarification to contest rules, and suggestions
on maybe placing more microwave information in the new ham column
since this is where a number of the no-code people move to. George,
K6MBL has improved his ability to copy photographic images on to
computer/ video media and is looking for anyone else that has
pictures of microwave happenings they would like to loan for
insertion in to the collection. 25 people present.
Welcome to visitors and new members. Cliff Lundquist,
W6NSN of Riverside; Harold Scott, WA6EAT of
Pasadena; and new member Mike Cramer, KC6YHM of
Fullerton. WELCOME!!!
The following were nominated for office: President, Frank Kelly,
WB6CWN; VP, Dick Bremmer, WB6DNX and Joe Saddler, WA6PAZ;
Corresponding Secretary, Larry Johnston, K6HLH; Treasurer, George
Tillitson, K6MBL; Recording Secretary, Phil Lee, W6HCC. No one was
nominated for the Newsletter Editor. Nominations will be open at the
April meeting preceding the election.
2 May Frank, WB6CWN ARRL Design software
3-5 May West Coast VHF-Microwave Conference, Gateway Plaza 14299
Firestone Blvd.
La Mirada, CA sponsored by Southern California Six Meter Club
11 May 1296/2304 Mhz Spring Sprint
6 June Chuck, WA6EXV Noise figure Measurement session
8-10 June VHF QSO Party
4 July- moved to??? and picnic where??? lead by who???
1 Aug. George, K6MBL scanned and copies of SBMS historical
3-4 Aug. UHF Contest
Eugene, WA6YOJ brought in a railroad speed sensing radar to show.
George, K6GMV no microwave activity
Ed, K6ODV has been working on a 1296 Mhz power amplifier.
Chip, N6CA has been remounting radios.
Larry, K6HLH no activity.
Mike, KC6YHM went to the Western States Weak Signal Society
Jim, K6ML is debugging a 1.2 Ghz ATV amplifier
John, KC6YVS is working with a satellite receiver.
Al, KF6YM has been doing some equipment maintenance.
Scott, WA6EAT works at TV station KTLA with lots of power in
Steve, NJ6J is working on a 10 Ghz gunnplexer and a Radio Shack audio
record chip for possible beacon use.
Bob, W6SYA is working with one of the RCA offset feed 18² dish and
gunnplexer per N1BWT Dec. 95 p14 QEX articles. Address for MCM
Electronics is 650 Congress Park Drive, Centerville, OH 45459 ph
800-543-4330. 18² steel dish pn is 221196 or 221197; mounting bracket
is pn 221199; SMC dish pn is 221198; and mounting bracket is pn
221200. Ref.; March 95 QEX p24.
Ken, WB6DTA no activity.
Dick, K6HIJ no activity.
Stu, K6YAZ has been adjusting antennas.
Dave, WB6OVZ has a 10 Ghz WBFM rig and has built a power meter.
Cliff, W6NSN is visiting.
Ed, W6OYJ has a 10 Ghz Qualcom rig under construction, and had sent
ATV over the SD 10 Ghz ³repeater². There is a good shot from the
repeater to Palos Verdes.
George, K6MBL now has some 200 pictures is his computer files of
microwave adventures.
Dick, WB6DNX is working on a connector for his beacon to go back on
Santiago. There is rumor of another beacon there on 10.240-260
Bill, WA6QYR has been working with his DEMW weak signal source and
the WA6EXV GPS software.
Chuck, WA6EXV has been working on writing software for his boat GPS
navigation equipment and making contacts with W6HCC on 2.3 GHz.
Phil, W6HCC has been working on his 2.3 Ghz rig in the form of a
filter via N6CA design. Building it out of aluminum is easiest to
tune and the PC board version is poor to tune up.
Dave, WA6OWD sent some comments to the ARRL and FCC on the spread
spectrum issues indicating need to go along with local band plans.
Received a FAX from Brian, KD6LI on 24 Ghz equipment. Added some
information to the SBMS time line article for 1995. Did some 3.4 Ghz
rig construction. Sent in 2 VUCC applications. Passed his EXTRA class license.
Eric, KD6GLP has done some consulting. He is going to use a Ramsey 30
Mhz radio kit for WBFM IF receiver in his 10 Ghz gunnplexer rig. Many
other use similar IF radios on WBFM.
Joe, WA6PAZ was not at the meeting, but was off talking at the Long
Beach ham club about microwave.
SBMS dinner at the Cask and Clever in Rancho
Cucamonga last month had 10 people in attendance. Joe, WA6PAZ and
xyl; George, K6GMV and xyl; Dick, WB6DNX and xyl; Bill WA6QYR and
Judy KC6UTF, Dave, WA6OWD, and Stu K6YAZ. The food was good as was
the conversation.
Things in QST- March issue had the results of the 95
10 Ghz contest and numerous members calls appeared. April issue has
Chuck, WA6EXV and Phil, W6HCC with their 10 grids on 2.3, 3.4 and 5.7
Ghz and Chuck with 35 grids from Keller Pk and 20 grids from Heaps
Pk. April ³The World Above 50 Mhz² has the world DX records list.
SETI League will kick off the Project Argus survey
of space on Earth Day April 21, 1996 with a special event station,
WA2IKL at 1600 UTC on the first clear frequency above 14.204 Mhz (one
percent of the hydrogen frequency). Apparently Dr. Paul Shuch, N6TX
puts on a good show when talking to groups about SETI. He does
poetry, writes songs and plays the guitar, in addition to being
microwave engineer.
40.7 Mhz 3rd OT crystal Steve NJ6J 818-354-8045
24 Ghz mixer Dick WB6DNX 714-529-2800
100 w 47 Ghz SSB amp Chip, N6CA 213-539-5395
Kenwood TS440SAT w/ ant tuner &cw; filter new $750 Stu K6YAZ
Hello everyone! If you received this message,
you have automatically been added to the NEW San Bernardino Microwave
Society mail list (reflector). By sending an e-mail message to
"", all of the individuals on the list will receive a
copy of what you sent. Please send ONLY information that is pertinent
to Microwave activity, contesting, news, technical info, etc. that is
of interest to the ENTIRE group. Please make the information concise
and as SHORT as necessary to convey the information. Multiple page
documents under most circumstances is not acceptable. There are other
places to post that kind of info, namely: The NEW San Bernardino
Microwave Society Home Page located at ""!! Please take a look at it and provide any comments
or suggestions to me at "". If you would like to be removed from this list or
if you would like to be added to the list, please send an e-mail to
"" and provide your name and e-mail address and
whether you would like to be added or removed. Thanks and let me know
what you think!
Dave - WA6CGR
I am in the process of compiling a database with all of the 10 GHz
beacons. I would also like to start one with all of the active
operators as well. Included in this list I will include; the location
Grid and / or lat. and long, City name, Power ERP, Antenna height and
type, Frequency, ID and Type of Mode, duration of operation ( i.e. 24
hrs, weekends...). If you can provide any information or suggestion
please reply.
TNX es 73 de Larry Lipitz KG2BB Send to Thanks to
The following information applies to a pair of beacons and a unique
on-frequency repeater with 10 MHz bandwidth, located on Mt. San
Miguel in San Diego County, California. I was asked by Kerry Banke,
N6IZW to submit the info.
The FCC has issued a new report of RF field measurements at Amateur
Radio stations and will use it to help decide how to implement newly
revised guidelines for human exposure to RF energy. The report,
FCC/OET ASD-9601, is available from the National Technical
Information Service, 800-553-6847, purchase number PB-96-145016. See
April QST p. 83 for more details and additional ordering
The ARRL says "NO" to limiting the 76-77 GHz band to vehicle radar
systems. In comments on an FCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making to
temporarily remove hams from the band, the League tells the FCC to
maintain existing ham allocations from 75.5 to 81 GHz to spur
development of short-range high-speed data links. Automobile
manufacturers differed on the issue of continued Amateur Radio use of
the 76-77 GHz band. Ford Motor Company opposes continued use of the
band by hams. General Motors says that vehicle radar systems would
not be adversely affected by continued amateur use of the band.
Japanese automakers don't want to use these frequencies at all. They
say they prefer 60-61 GHz for these systems instead. Thanks,
ARRL President Stafford has announced the makeup of the ARRL's WRC-99
Committee. This committee is charged with developing policy
recommendations related to structural changes in international
amateur radio regulations that are expected to be considered at the
1999 World Radio Conference. Members of the committee are K0TO
(Chair), K4VX, WA2DHF, WA6WZO, K1ZZ, W7AGQ, K1GW, KC6ZEC, and
The ARRL Awards Committee has voted unanimously to accept a Contest
Advisory Committee recommendation to add the bands above 10 GHz to
the ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest. The purpose of this is to
encourage use of the upper microwave bands. The 10-GHz cumulative run
August 17-18 and September 21-22 in 1996. In the past there has been
no division of entries into categories. Effective this year there
will be two entry categories: "10 GHz only" and "10 GHz and
Scoring is based on distance points and QSO points. Distance points
are gained one point for each km between stations for each
successfully completed QSO. Count 100 QSO points for each different
(unique) call sign worked per band. (Portable indicators added to a
call sign are not considered as making the call sign unique.) Total
score is the sum of distance points and QSO points. There are no
Details will be announced in June 1996 QST. For Further Information
Contact: Billy Lunt, KR1R via Internet: or The
American Radio Relay League 225 Main Street, Newington CT USA 06111
Telephone: 860-594-0200. Thanks to Jack N6XQ for info.
The name of the northern California Experimenters group is JEFFREY
PAWLAN WA6KBL at e-mail ph (408)
371-0256. Nothing has been heard from Jeff since the January meeting.
Other stuff from up north...Lars,AA6IW is up and running with his
24Ghz rig and has many QSO's with KD6LI...The Mt. Vaca beacon
(CM88WJ) is burning in on Ron's bench (K6GZA)...Next is packaging and
the install...more to follow...73.. Tue, 19 Mar
#QSO's |
DX(KM) |
Thanks - Ed, W6OYJ
San Bernardino Microwave
Society is a technical amateur radio club affiliated
with the ARRL having a membership of over 100 amateurs from Hawaii to
the east coast. Dues are $15 per year. The W6IFE newsletter is
provided monthly to members. Your mail label indicates your call and
when it is time to renew your dues. Dues can be sent to the treasurer
as listed under the banner on the front page. If you have material
you would like in the newsletter please sent it to Bill WA6QYR at 247
Rebel Road Ridgecrest, CA 93555, WA6QYR@WA6YBN.SOCA.CA.USA,,
or phone 619-375-8566.