It was constructed and installed in 1997 by N6CA. It operates under the call sign of N6CA/B. The location is provided by the Cactus Radio organization.
The beacon has maintained a frequency accuracy of +/- 100 Hertz over 20 years with only one partial failure (cold weather power failure). The antenna height on Frazier was increased by 200 wavelengths (20 feet) in early 2000 and signals from Frazier came up greatly as it was now clear of surrounding foliage. The beacon was recently repaired by replacing the old M/ACom brick which had a cold temperature starting problem. It was thermally tested for starting from 0 to 120 degrees F without a hitch.
This beacon arguably serves the greatest geographic area of all 3cm beacons in the world. It has been copied by W1LP/mm on Sept 29, 2001 at DL34fi (approx. 790 miles, 1250km) south. In the north, WA6CGR copied the beacon from the summit of Mt. St. Helena, a distance of 336m, 540km. It is regularly copied by N6JV in Sacramento, heard by WB6CWN/XE2 & W6YLZ/XE2 in DL27 in the Baja some 529m, 850km. Few 3cm operators in the southwest of the US have not heard or used this beacon.
Call: N6CA/b
Frequency: 10368.310MHz
Location: Frazier Mt. DM04MS 8013'
IDer: 85 seconds of carrier and a short CW ID
Output Power: 1.3 Watts output, 1.5 dB feedline (waveguide) loss approx.,
Antenna: 14 dBi gain, omni-directional, horizontal polarization.
Coverage: Massive, basically the lower half of California