N6CA & N6XQ roved Southern California for about 400 miles and made 11 stops on the second weekend. Contacts of up to 600 km were easily made from many local mountain top sites. Many contacts were multiple bounce and were scattered from various mountains in the area.
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Jack, N6XQ at home
for first weekend with the big dish
Looking to Mexico from Palos Verdes DM03tr
N6XQ with his new
portable station, 1 watt and a 1 foot dish. It worked great!
N6CA on PV working
the guys in Mexico
Mt Pinos DM04kt
looking towards Mexico and Palos Verdes. We were just below the
parking lot.
There's always a shot between the trees
First time ever operating away from vehicle for
N6CA ...it was scarry......
N6CA relaxing in the fresh air on Pinos......whew
Another shot of the dishes at Mt. Pinos
Set up at Whitaker
Peak. Nice location but hot
WA6CGR & N6RMJ up on top with a better shot at
N6RMJ in full
"attack" mode at Whitaker
WA6CGR practicing a new dance step. New 27 watt radio works LOUD