50 MHz de N6CA

"The Mother of All Six Meter Openings"

3G0Z 2001 Six Meter DXpedition

6D2VHF June 2001 VHF DXpedition

Want to learn more about world wide six meter DXing? These are a "must read"!..... UK Six Meter Group "Code of Operation" and "50 MHz Propagation Mechanisms" by K6MIO/KH6. An overview of Six meter DXing from Europe by G3ZYY and the 1998 Dec QST "How to work 6 meter DX" by W3EP

updated June 15, 2005

I monitor the OH2AQ six meter cluster for realtime info. During summer Es seasons I look for Caribbean, African and Japan multihop sporadic E openings. At solar maximum, I look for long path to JA 1500 to 1530z. I monitor in the DX window, 50.080 thru 50.125 (around the equinoxes) from about 1500z until 0600z, while I'm working of course.......

Operating statistics:

Six meter DXCC #272, countries worked: 126

WAZ (Worked All Zones) = 30

Best DX: Okinawa long path: JR6WPT, JR6HI, JR6VSP, JS6CDB & JR6WXY, 4 October 1991 & October 31, 2002: JH1XMR/6 & JS6CDB, 18421 miles (29639km)

Best DX non-long path: FR1GZ 11461 miles (18445km) Nov 2001

Multi-hop Sporatic E to Europe in July 1990, G3RFS/CU2, 5020 miles (8079 km) , almost worked EH8BPX on Es on May 31, 2000 at 0025z (no report) that would have been six meter WAC on Es! maybe next year.......

Multi-hop Sporatic E to JA in May 1998, JJ2IVP, 5631 miles (9060 km)

Loudest signal ever heard (non-local) on 50 MHz: HC8N, EI59 3031 mi (4877 km) -49dBm measured!

Grids worked (cycle 22) with 100 milliWatts: 107: LU, JA, VP5, XE, KH6, KL7, VE, ZL7 & W, 6481 miles (10431 km)

Countries worked with exactly10 milliWatts: = (18), JA(4) (9030km) KP4, P49, V31, TG9, CO, VP5, ZF, TI(2), PY5, 3D2, VE7, W, KH6, KL7, XE1 & 2, HC8, & LU(4). Best QRPPP DX = LU5VV, 5990 miles (9640 km) QRPPP States worked = (33), Grids worked with 10 milliwatts = (>110)

20 microwatts: worked W1RIL in FN432bh at 4115 km. That translates to 205.8 million km per watt or127.9 million miles per watt! The fillings in your teeth generate more power than that!

Countries worked this cycle: FP, CY9, 3X, FY, TI9, GI, OA, EI, XV, FR, CT, ON, GW4, G, F, PY0, VP8 (Falklands), 9Y4, VK9M, KH8, 8P9, CE0Z, CE0Y, EA, FG, ZD7, DU, HL, ZK1 (N),ZK1(S), KH5K, P43, KH5J, J8, FO0 (Marquesas), VK9N, ZP, H44, 3D2, VP6, FO0(Australs), FO, FK, A35, VP2E, HC8, CO, XE, C6A, V4, TG9, KL7, KH6, KP4, LU, JA, PY, ZL, VK, HC, TI, HK, CP, HP, ZF, CX, CE, V3, VP2M, YN, YS, VE & W. & heard: MM0, 9M6, P29KFS + /b, EH8BPX & .....ZM8CW ignored me,

WAS: Worked All States #778, July 1983, WAC: Jan 1990 and fastest WAC = 27 days.

Audio files from Nov & Dec 2001: ON4ANT, GW4VEQ_1, GW4VEQ_2, EI6IZ, EI6IZ_K6ODV, N6CA@GI0OTC

EH7KW to W6 opening Dec1, 2000

Life Member ARRL , AMSAT and CSVHFS, membership: SBMS, WSWSS , NTMS, UKSMG, SCRRBA, and SMIRK

CME based Back Scatter prediction

Chilean music frequencies list

50 MHz Beacons built or under construction = (U):

TG9SO/b 50.011,   PY0FF/b 50.006.2,, W7HAH 50.063 (Silent Key), V73SIX 50.014 (replaced), FP5XAB 50.038 (disconnected), DU1EV/b on 50.008 (Sept 2002), V73AT 50.038 (off now)

50 MHz Application Notes:


50 MHz noise cancelling receiver (388K)

Terminating Low Pass Filter

U310 FET preamplifier

30 Watt beacon

Hybrid antenna splitter

Ft-1000D Hi speed CQ/Tuning

Band pass filters

50 MHz hi level transverter