Welcome to the N6OCS Repeater Network website. The Primary N6OCS Repeater is located at 5700 feet on Santiago Peak in the Santa Ana mountains.
The N6OCS repeater went on the air on 22 May 2005 and is locally coordinated on the 902.1250 / 927.1250 pair. It utilizes a tone coded squelch of 103.5 and outputs the same tone. This is listed as a closed repeater, but the repeater is friendly and open to any decent licensed operator. Please stop in and say "Hello". The purpose of the system is to provide utility and emergency communications as well as friendly technical chat. Mindless ragchewing and CB lingo are discouraged. The Orange County Sheriff's Reserves, The Orange County Red Cross, and OC-RACES have priority access to the repeater in times of emergency. Since its installation, the N6OCS repeater has undergone several upgrades. The above links describe the repeater's existing configuration and performance.
This website also serves as a source to document the evolution of the N6OCS Repeater by describing the continual modifications underway towards enhancing its overall crashworthiness and performance.
Contact for the owner of this repeater can be made at kd6wly@soara.org
There have been numerous upgrades to the site including linking to several of my other 900 MHz repeaters in the area, GPS time base, and now all the station componets are DC powered from a -48 volt battery plant. Most of the RF componets have been upgraded from what is depicted on this webpage. As time permits I will update the website to match the equipment updates. I will also save the existing configurations as archives for those who wish to referance the earlier equipment. 21 July 2011