Measurement Utilities


Check Touchstone files for |Sij| > 1: check.exe

Suppress stray coupling or capacitance when measuring series impedance:

Renormalize S-parameter reference impedance:


Interpolate Hagn generic curves: interp.exe

Extrapolate ground constants:

Calculate skin depth, wavelength, and loss tangent: sd.exe

Calculate seawater permittivity: perm.exe

Calculate equivalent constants for stratified ground with two layers:

Q Meter

Remote coil to minimize enclosure interaction, compensate Q for auxiliary capacitor loss:


Convert RF level units: u.exe

Calculate system noise figure and preamp benefit: nf.exe

FM Stereo

Calculate DSB and SSB stereo separation and response given the composite response:

Audio files for the external modulation input of your FM signal generator to turn it into a stereo generator. Includes one-second, left-channel, 9% pilot, stereo-composite .WAV files for 0.02, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, and 15 kHz tones. 16-bit samples at 192 ksps. Audacity can repeat one of these files without a glitch:

Your antivirus software may inhibit program download. Send the file URL to VirusTotal. It will scan the file with dozens of antivirus programs. Once you're satisfied it's safe, disable your antivirus software, download the file, and reenable it. Then exclude the .exe file from antivirus scrutiny (for Windows Defender).

February 16, 202588–108 MHz